Do You Need To Be Verified on Social Media?

While most people were unaware, a war began on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram–over verification status.  As strange as it may seem, this topic has become a hot button for those using the three platforms.  Should users have to pay to have their status verified?  Is having a verified status seen as a good thing, or will potential clients shun businesses that do so?

What Is “Confirmed Status?”

The furor over confirmed status on social media began when these platforms became wildly popular almost overnight, it seemed.  Suddenly, social media was becoming a predominant method of communication, and many people were searching for celebrities, sports figures, and other famous people.  This led to some building sites or profiles claiming to be popular people when, in fact, they were not.  Once the unsuspecting visitors caught on, and particularly when they were scammed out of money to join “fan clubs” and other groups, users began to demand some way to know whether profiles were, in fact, those of the celebrities they sought.

Now, with the proliferation of identity theft, many businesses are thinking of ways they can show which content is actually theirs and which is not approved by them.  One way to do that is through verified identity on social media platforms.

Most verification processes offer some benefits to users.  For example, Twitter offers verified users the ability to post longer Tweets and videos, the chance to edit Tweets, and increased visibility among users.  Eligibility requirements for Twitter include having a confirmed phone number, an account older than 90 days, and no username or profile changes within 30 days.  Verification status can also be removed for violation of the platform’s terms of service.  Most other platforms have similar requirements and benefits.

Do I Need Verification Status for My Business?

Whether you choose to verify your social media status is a very personal decision, but there are both advantages and disadvantages to doing so.

The pros of verification include:

  • More security for your account. It is harder for people to imitate you on social media if you have a verified account.
  • More status on some platforms. On some platforms, verification is seen as a sign of being a better or more reliable account than those that are unverified.
  • More access to different types of content. Verification, particularly when paid for monthly, often confers access to certain content that other users do not get.

The disadvantages of verification include:

  • Some see verification as an attempt to “buy” recognition. Some clients or customers may be opposed to verification because they see it as an attempt to manipulate the system.  This may turn some people away as potential clients.
  • Verification can be costly. Twitter Blue, for example, costs about $14.99 per month currently–a relatively high price if you rarely use the service.
  • Verification does not solve all identity issues. People can still copy your name and post things that may reflect poorly on you, even if you are verified.  Verification simply makes it easier to show that it was not you who posted the negative content.

Ultimately, every business owner must use his or her own judgment when it comes to verification status.  However, it can help to talk to someone with knowledge of the industry about these issues, particularly someone who keeps up with the latest trends and topics.

If you have questions about social media use and verification, contact Caldiatech today.  We are here to help you with all of your website, SEO, and web marketing needs.  Give us a call and find out more!