Despite the proliferation of social media, many business owners are still unsure whether or not to use it to promote their companies. Too many of them have heard horror stories about social media use gone wrong, and others are simply too tired to learn yet another “gimmick” to advertise their companies. However, thinking this way about social media may block you from seeing its full benefits. Social media as advertising is useful, but its real purpose is to put you in direct contact with your customer or client base and allow you to interact with them on a level not previously possible with other advertising methods.
Relevant Content Continues to Be The Driving Factor in Search Engine Rankings
Despite common misconceptions, there seems to be no perfect formula for search rankings. In fact, Google itself debunks the myths of ranking formulas, urging focus on user experience over SEO shortcuts. Third-party SEO tools often claim to have formulas that guarantee success, but Google clarifies that there is no universal ranking formula. These claims are … Read More