Does My Legal Website Need A Blog?

If you are like most attorneys, you have been encouraged by colleagues and advertisers to add a blog to your website, but perhaps you never really considered it a useful way to enhance your firm’s business.  After all, blogging takes time and effort.  Is it really worth it to add a blog to your legal website?

Blogging can be a feature of your website that accomplishes several simultaneous goals, but it must be done correctly with attention to SEO conventions, link, and keyword saturation, and proper keyword usage.  Without these details, your blog is unlikely to help you grow your business or lead potential clients to your door.  Because blogging is an investment, you naturally want to know what it can do for you before you invest time and budget into the process.

What does blogging do for your legal website, and do you really need a blog?

The Right Blog Drives Clients to You

Competition for clients is a foundational issue for any law firm that is attempting to grow.  There are always other attorneys out there who want the same clients you want.  Since you want your potential clients to see you first, a blog is a great way to get ahead of the competition and bring business to your door.

Putting up a regular blog encourages those with an interest in your field of law to visit your website.  Those who are seeking a personal injury attorney, for example, will often search for terms related to their type of injury or illness.  By having a library of blog posts easily available to these clients, you can provide educational services as well as make it easy for them to contact you.

A Blog Positions You As An Authority

A blog can also help you position yourself as an authority in your field.  Your colleagues who read your blog may learn more about various legal topics and may even be encouraged to reach out to you with questions.  Attorneys who are looking for a collaborative partner on a case may very well research potential connections by reading blogs on an attorney’s website.  This additional boost to your professional status may ultimately lead to offers you might never have had otherwise.

Blogs Connect You To The World Of Social Media

Most attorneys understand the need in today’s market for social media.  The use of social media is skyrocketing; as of 2019, 91 percent of businesses were using social media for marketing purposes (  If you want potential clients to be able to find you, a good social media marketing campaign is critical.

Blogging can help you achieve a better social media saturation that pays the advertising alone.  New apps and programs have made it simple, with the touch of a button, to share your blog posts on multiple social media outlets at once.  If you want to reach a wide audience, social media has made it possible.

A blog can do so many things for your website that it is worth considering adding it to your marketing strategy.  If you want to learn more about blogging and how we can help you set up the right marketing plan for your firm, contact us at Caldiatech today.