The New Year is a great time to take stock of your current business SEO plan and to set goals for what you want to accomplish in the coming year. With new innovations happening all the time, it is important to take a regular “pulse” of your company and decide if you want to make changes to your current marketing strategy. Here are some ways you can springboard a discussion with your SEO professional about what you want your online advertising to do for you.
- Start with a clear vision. Simply saying you want to increase your revenue is not a strategy. In order to reach a goal, you have to be able to articulate that goal in as much detail as possible. Instead of simply wishing for better performance, have an idea of how much you would like to increase your website traffic or your revenue from online sales or client acquisition. This will give you and your SEO professional a goal that you can work toward and measure your success.
- Ask questions. Many people hire an SEO professional without really understanding what it is that is being done. When you have questions, write them down. Do not be afraid to ask for clarification or definitions of terms that are unfamiliar to you. A good SEO professional will always take time to answer your questions and ensure that you are comfortable with your marketing strategy.
- Make sure stakeholders understand your SEO strategy. A key tactic for securing buy-in at every level of your company is being able to explain exactly why you are doing SEO. Your SEO professional can help you create this explanation so that everyone in your company with decision-making power has the understanding necessary to launch a strong marketing strategy.
- Build a strong relationship with your SEO professional. You should never feel like a faceless number when you are talking to your SEO provider. A professional SEO company shows you how SEO aligns with your stated goals, educates you about the changes needed, and is available for questions at any time. If your SEO provider does not do these things, perhaps it is time for a change.
- Evaluate your past performance. It is also important to look back at where you came from and make adjustments to your expectations based on real data. While everyone wants to take huge leaps in search engine results, it takes time to build a strong SEO strategy. This is something you and your SEO professional can discuss, with special attention paid to the projected timeline. A note of caution, however: beware of any SEO company that promises “instant” results or things that seem too good to be true.
If you are searching for a professional SEO company with a proven track record, talk to Caldiatech. For decades, we have worked with both small and large companies in all areas of the business to deliver quality, consistent results. Give us a call today so you can learn more about how to make 2023 your best year for SEO!