Importance of Blog Content on Your Website

In this day and age, almost every single business has a website. And for good reason! Websites are incredibly necessary in order for new customers to find you and learn more about your company.

In addition to your hours and contact information, there is one thing every website needs. From the large corporations to tiny shops, electricians in Texas to artists in Thailand, all business websites should have written blog content. Having blog articles may not seem necessary in some industries, but every business can benefit.

Below we outline some of the numerous benefits of having blog content on your business’s website.

Appear in Search Results

When people are in need of a new product or service, the first place they turn to is Google. If you don’t come up on the first page of search results, chances are your website won’t be discovered. Written blog content on your website can help with this.

It’s no accident what websites get to the front page of Google: it relies on Search Engine Optimization or SEO. When a website is continually updated with informative blog posts, the search engine algorithm sees that you’re a valuable resource for customers. Because of this, your website will slowly climb up the ranks towards page one.

Increase Website Traffic

When’s the last time you scrolled to page 2 on Google? It rarely happens, which is why the results on page one get the most website traffic.

Coming up higher in search results naturally results in more people visiting your website. Showing up higher in search results gets you in front of more eyes, allowing people to discover and visit your website.

Once you have more website traffic, you have a valuable chance of converting those visitors to customers. Website traffic is invaluable, not only for gaining customers, but building awareness of your company.

Build Credibility

Blog posts are an effective way to share your knowledge about your industry and position yourself as an expert. When website visitors see that you’ve written numerous articles answering their questions, sharing tidbits of advice, and commenting on the latest developments in the business, you’re seen as a knowledgeable professional.

Who would you be more likely to reach out to: a professional who demonstrates their expertise right off the bat, or someone who has minimal information on their website? Just a few blog posts can set you apart from the competition, and potential customers know they can turn to you and your website for valuable insight.

Strengthen Customer Relationships

When customers read blog content on your website, they can get a feel for your personality and how you conduct your business. This allows them to get to know you and build trust, making them more likely to hire you. A website blog allows you to connect with customers before even speaking to them.

In addition, you can share all your blog content on social media. By sharing helpful information on an interactive platform like Facebook or Twitter, you’re creating an opportunity for customers to interact with you. People can comment, ask questions, and effortlessly build a relationship with your company. This not only attracts new customers but strengthens existing customer relationships, resulting in repeat business.

These are just a handful of benefits your business can experience by adding a blog section on your website. Start out simple, perhaps writing a blog post answering one of the most common questions you get from customers. The possibilities are endless!

If you’re not interested in or able to write your own blog posts, reach out! We’re experts in transforming your hard-earned knowledge into impactful blog posts, resulting in more credibility, website traffic, and repeat customers.