Have you ever felt that your technology manager isn’t listening to you?
Some technology companies take the approach that “the less the client knows, the better.” This wrongful attitude springs from a lack of understanding of client needs as well as a belief that clients cannot understand the technical aspects of Internet marketing. This is simply untrue, and at Caldiatech we include our clients in every aspect of their online growth.
Experts Who Understand Clients
There are two aspects of online marketing: technical management and the vision for growth. Without attention to both, it is very difficult to sustain a successful marketing campaign.
While many technology companies do well with writing code, managing platforms and software, and handling the technical aspects of online marketing strategies, they have a hard time conveying this to the clients. When this happens, the clients are left in the dark about how things are done, where their marketing budget is going, and what metrics are being assessed in order to determine growth.
At Caldiatech, we offer a different approach. Although we are experts in Internet marketing, we also include our clients, no matter what their technical skills, in every step of the process from start to finish.
- Start with a vision. Our first job is to determine what you want. You are the client and you have complete control over the goals you want to meet from a marketing campaign. Our job is to guide you through the process of achieving those goals through strategic marketing techniques.
- Choose the right techniques. It is critical that you have the right marketing techniques for your particular business. There is not a “one-size-fits-all” approach that gives every business consistent results. At Caldiatech, we match your business to the particular processes that we feel will work for you, and we include you in those decisions. We take client input seriously and use it to refine our strategies for every business.
- Implement the strategy. While the technical aspects of implementing your marketing strategy are our responsibility, we like to keep you in the loop. We can explain as much—or as little!—as you want to know about how your marketing works.
- Assess the metrics. We choose reasonable metrics to assess your progress, and we report to you on a regular basis so you can see how your goals are being met. If you want more information or to fine-tune your strategy, we are here to help.
At Caldiatech, we have spent more than 20 years working with clients to create the right formulation for success for each business. We know that cookie-cutter approaches do not work, so we take the time to create a strategy that is unique for you. Give us a call today to discuss your business and your marketing needs. We promise to do everything we can to make sure you understand your marketing techniques and have the power to assess your progress on your terms!