You may be surprised to learn that there are some incredibly easy-to-understand SEO strategies that practically anyone can employ to boost their site’s ranking. We’ll share a few in this issue.
Understanding SEO
Just to make sure we’re all on the same page, here’s a quick refresher about Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
The goal of SEO is to drive qualified lead-generating traffic to your website. The best way to do it is to use keywords and phrases on your site that are ones you would expect to use when searching for a product like yours. The SEO rankings are calculated by a constantly changing Google algorithm
The Importance of Content
If you’re blogging for your site, you’re already on the right track. If you’re not, get to it!
The folks at Hubspot recently shared research findings showing that businesses with 16 or more blogs per month received over three-times more traffic those that published 0-4. If 16 is out of the question for your business, start smaller and aim for 2-3 each week.
The length of your content is also very important. Editors at serpIQ recently carried out research that showed search engine results with less than 400 words will cause your results to rank lower and lower.
Finding Your Keywords
We published a crash course of sorts related to keywords recently. Basically, keywords are the phrases and words Internet users type into a search engine like Google that then directs the user to certain sites using those keywords.
Get Busy on Social Media
Your content is only good if people actually read it. The best way to get it in front of lots of as many as people as possible is to promote it on social media. Share it with your friends and connections on Facebook, Twitter and the rest.
Hit the Links
Links to your site and from your site to others can pay off in a big way. To find out just how important they are in your SEO ranking, check out what the editors at Moz say about it.
Good ways to garner those links include:
- Writing guest blogs on industry sites and include a link back to your site in your post and in your bio
- Provide internal links on your site by linking your content to other pages on your site
- Connect with bloggers in your field and encourage them to share your content
Partner With Caldiatech for Your SEO
Business owners have leveraged our knowledge and expertise to significantly grow their businesses. We’d love to talk with you about how we can do the same for yours. Give us a call today at 800-728-1411 so that we can working together!