While most business owners understand the need for online advertising in today’s competitive market, many are understandably worried about the idea of creating video content for their advertising campaigns. After all, most of us are not directors or producers! However, with just a bit of planning and the use of the right tools, video content can be much easier to create than you think, and using it can give a healthy boost to almost any type of business.
Should You Invest in Social Media Advertising?
Social media may be one of the most powerful vehicles for advertising ever invented. In the past, most advertising depended upon placing your message in the right spots to be noticed by potential clients and customers. With social media algorithms, your customers are driven straight to your message without ever searching for it, based on their previous browsing behavior.
How Social Media Use Gives Your Website Power
Many business owners are very busy and do not see much benefit to taking their valuable time to interact with social media for their business’s web page. On the other hand, they understand that social media use is skyrocketing and that most successful businesses utilize the power of social media to enhance their company’s performance. How can you make an informed decision as to what social media to use, how often to use it, and what to do with it? Here are some tips on using social media for your business that will allow you to get the most benefit from these unique platforms without taking too much of your valuable time and effort.
How Social Media Helps Your Business
Social media is an extremely powerful tool to help you grow your business, but many business owners do not take advantage of this amazing resource. This may be because they lack the skill to successfully manage social media. It could also be because they simply do not understand all the ways social media can help a business get noticed by potential customers and clients. No matter what the reason, ignoring social media in today’s market is essentially leaving money on the table. With a solid social media plan, you can keep your business active and growing with the help of Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and other platforms.
Is Your Customer Experience Personalized?
There’s no doubt about it: for companies to survive in the competitive landscape on today’s markets, they must keep up with the trends – especially when it comes to marketing. In this article, we’ll talk about the personal customer experience – one of the most important trends out there – and how you can make it work for your company.
Personalized Customer Experience at a Glance
No getting around it: the digital age has revolutionized the way we buy things and do business. One aspect of business that has stuck around, though, is the importance of the personal touch. If you’re knowledgeable about your customer’s purchasing history and have a good understanding of what they’re after, you have a far better chance of turning that customer into an advocate for your business.
Emphasize Local When Thinking Social
Having an online presence is a great way to reach customers on the other side of the country or even the world – but what about using it to optimize your local presence? In this article, we’ll talk about how.
Why Focus on Local
Unless you’re a national chain, chances are good that the key to your business’s success is the development of a loyal roster of patients from your own community. To do that, you need to be in tune with local issues and needs.
It’s About The Goals, Not The Methods
You have such a dazzling array of nifty little tools at your disposal when it comes to SEO marketing that it is easy to get bogged down in the tools rather than the end goals. However, all the neat programs in the world will not save a floundering web page if you do not focus … Read More
Please Remove Your Face! YouTube Kills Video Response
As of September 12, users will no longer be able to leave a video response as a comment on a YouTube video. Google cites incredibly low response including a .004 percent click-through rate as a reason to cut the feature. Instead, YouTubers are being asked to focus on titles, hashtags and descriptions to engage audiences … Read More
So You Want A Great Facebook Page? Optimize for Search!
It seems everyone has a Facebook page, but few people or businesses know how to optimize their pages for search. Unfortunately, this means that a business’s Facebook page may not be delivering the content punch it could due to poor reach or lack of searchability by targeted groups. It is important to maximize your Facebook … Read More
SEO Industry Changes
What has happened to the SEO industry in the past few years? It is easier to say what has not happened: it has not remained static. The changes in SEO strategy have been so fundamental and far-reaching that it is safe to say that SEO is not the same industry it was ten years ago. … Read More