Should You Invest in Social Media Advertising?

Social media may be one of the most powerful vehicles for advertising ever invented.  In the past, most advertising depended upon placing your message in the right spots to be noticed by potential clients and customers.  With social media algorithms, your customers are driven straight to your message without ever searching for it, based on their previous browsing behavior.

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How Social Media Use Gives Your Website Power

Many business owners are very busy and do not see much benefit to taking their valuable time to interact with social media for their business’s web page.  On the other hand, they understand that social media use is skyrocketing and that most successful businesses utilize the power of social media to enhance their company’s performance.  How can you make an informed decision as to what social media to use, how often to use it, and what to do with it?  Here are some tips on using social media for your business that will allow you to get the most benefit from these unique platforms without taking too much of your valuable time and effort.

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How Social Media Helps Your Business

Social media is an extremely powerful tool to help you grow your business, but many business owners do not take advantage of this amazing resource.  This may be because they lack the skill to successfully manage social media.  It could also be because they simply do not understand all the ways social media can help a business get noticed by potential customers and clients.  No matter what the reason, ignoring social media in today’s market is essentially leaving money on the table.  With a solid social media plan, you can keep your business active and growing with the help of Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and other platforms.

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Finding Your Customers on Social Media

For small, medium and big-sized businesses alike, social media has grown into a juggernaut for owners. But along with that growth comes complications – in part because there are just so many options for social media channels.

Should you be on all of them or just a few? If it’s just a few, how do you decide?

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Learn From the Social Media Blunders of Others

On social media, brand reputations can be made and destroyed before you blink. That’s another reason why it’s crucial to partner with a social media management provider.

In this issue, with a bit of help from CNBC, we’ll take a look at some important lessons that were learned because of social media blunders by some pretty big brands.

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Lack Confidence About Your Business’s Online Presence? You’re Not Alone

If you’re not confident about your business’s overall online presence, you’re not alone. A new report written by the CEO of says that only 54% of small business owners feel “very confident” about their online efforts.

In this issue, we’ll talk about the report, and how partnering with experts like Caldiatech can boost your confidence level about your own business’s online marketing efforts.

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Find Out Why Social Listening is Essential

It would be difficult to deny that social media has drastically changed the way we converse with another. While everyone else is talking on social media, one of the best ways business owners can keep track of all the engagements to better their business is through social listening.

We’ll talk about it in this issue.

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Find Out Which Social Media Channel is Right For Your Business

Social media, when used the right way, can be a powerful ally for businesses – especially smalls ones with fixed marketing budgets and owners who have little spare time. The mainstays like Facebook and Twitter are obviously well known, but what about the many others?

In this issue, we’ll provide a snapshot look at several social media outlets so that you’ll be in a much better position to decide if some or all are appropriate for your business presence.

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What’s Working for Small Business on Social Media?

Smart social media use can make a huge difference for small businesses at a significantly lower cost than traditional marketing. According to Social Media Examiner’s industry report, 92% of marketers working with small businesses said that social media is a crucial component of their marketing efforts.

As for the small businesses that are seeing a big ROI on their social media efforts, just what are they doing? The folks at SCORE, a nonprofit supported by the U.S. Small Business Administration, recently surveyed a host of small businesses to get a better understanding of their tactics. Below are a few highlights from SCORE’s findings.

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