Don’t Miss This Crash Course in Keywords!

Even cursory research about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) will include the importance of keywords. What are they? How can they make a difference on your business’s site?

In this article, we’ll tell you.

What Are Keywords?

Basically, keywords are the phrases and words Internet users type into a search engine like Google that then directs the user to certain sites using those keywords.

How Should I Use Keywords On My Business Site?

As you choose which keywords best describe your business, it’s imperative that you do a bit of research into actually defining those keywords.

You can do this with a host of free(!) online tools like Google Keyword Planner and Wordtracker.

Also, try to get into the minds of customers you’re trying to attract and use keywords that mirror their searching habits. For example, if your business is a car dealership, do you think that your customers use online search phrases like “pre-owned” or “used”?

Structuring your online content so that it works with terms and phrases similar to what your customers are typing in for their searches is a most effective way for small businesses to get the web traffic they’re after.

What Are The Types of Keywords?

All keywords aren’t created equal. Essentially, there are two types of keywords:

  1. Broad match keywords are simple one-word phrases (design, clothes, funding, hamburger, etc.) that describe your product but also cast the net far and wide in terms of web traffic. The downside is that broad match words have lots of competition because they aren’t well defined and may not actually drive traffic back to your site.
  2. Long tail keywords, however, specific words or even phrases that can have much more bang for the buck because of the way they hone in on specific products you’re offering. Good examples include:
  • Dark blue sports coat
  • Hardwood flooring
  • Golf club with perma-wrap

How To Use Keywords The Right Way

For each component of your marketing strategies, there are opportunities to use both broad match and long tail keywords.

  • Web Page Content
    One or two broad and long tail keywords on each web page are usually sufficient.
  • Blog Posts
    Try to center each of your blog posts around a keyword – either broad or long tail – to drive additional traffic to your site.
  • Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising
    To decide which keywords will work best for PPC, do a bit of research to see which keywords have driven the most traffic to your site.
  • Job Postings
    Yes, even job postings are good places for keywords. With over 125 million job-seeking searches on Google monthly, job posting are excellent ways to stand out from the crowd.

For Keyword Expertise, Call Caldiatech

We love everything about web design and content. To leverage our expertise with your business growth, get in touch with us here at Caldiatech. Our number is 800-728-1441 or you can reach us online.