Learn About 4 Ways You Can Give Your Content Marketing a Boost

As you promote your business online, one of the keys to the success of your marketing efforts is to always be aware of the latest trends for what your online audience wants and how they want it.

We’re talking specifically about content marketing, and in this issue, we’ll share a few of the fast-moving trends that can mean whether or not a lead to your business site will be converted into a sale.

What is Content Marketing?

For the answer, we share this definition from the Content Marketing Institute, an online resource for just about anything related to the topic:

“Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience – and ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”

Current Trends in Content Marketing

Influence Marketing
Authority is a huge factor for most online audiences. If you can associate your business with influencers, your audience will be much more likely to trust the content on your site. You can do this by linking to bloggers, social media celebrities, known experts in your industry who post online, etc.

Doing this can also do wonders for your SEO as the links to the sites of established and respected bloggers and others are ones of quality.

Statistics tell us that video on a business’s landing page can actually increase conversions by over 80%.  Also, videos on social media are much more likely to be shared than either images or text.

Making videos on the fly has never been easier, thanks to social apps like Snapchat.

Mobile That’s Fast
It’s no longer enough just to have a site that is mobile friendly. The key now is that it loads fast. A good rule to live by is to make sure everything on your mobile site loads within a few seconds. Anything longer than that will keep your audience waiting – and chances are, they won’t wait long.

Automated E-Mail
Just like other parts of technology, changes and upgrades continue to be made to email. There’s a lot of power to be harnessed with emails.

For example, research tells us that over 60% of online customers will cancel during the checkout process. A good way to potentially squeeze sales from this is to schedule automated email follow-up messages to be sent when someone does abandon their shopping cart.

Partner With The Professionals at Caldiatech

Content marketing will continue to expand and evolve. That’s why it’s vital that you commit to making sure your business is supported to compete in this arena.

For help, get in touch with us here at Caldiatech. Our number is 800-728-1411 or you can reach us online.