Among the few absolute truths in this world is this nugget: technology will never sit still. That being said, let’s take a look at online marketing trends to keep an eye on for the rest of 2016.
He Who is Mobile Will Rule: Mobile Optimization
Essentially mobile optimization is making sure that visitors using mobile devices can navigate your site effectively. Landing pages with a font that makes you squint does not make for a good experience.
A properly optimized site will automatically resize itself to fit whatever device screen the visitor is using.
Why is this important? By the end of 2014, 64% of the U.S. population owned a smartphone. Worldwide, the number of smartphone users is expected to top 2 billion. Can your business afford to miss out on any of those potential customers?
Diversify Your Social Media
Even though the earth is just about the same size it was this time last year, social media seems to make it an increasingly small place. In other words, practically all of us are connected.
Rather than simply updating your business’s Facebook status or sending out a daily Tweet, the trends point to social media that is even more social. The fine folks at Social Media Today say that live streaming through platforms like Blab, Snapchat and Periscope will become more and more important in online marketing.
The Need for Speed
Remember when – not that long ago, really – you logged onto a site and saw the “website loading” message? That is sooooo yesteryear.
While content is king, how it looks and how quickly it loads will often be the determining factor in rather that potential customer browses around your site or quickly gets back to their Google search.
Stay Ahead of the Game by Calling Caldiatech
While technology is always changing, our team is consistently ahead of the curve by keeping abreast of the latest trends. Even more important, we know what works and what doesn’t.
To make sure your site is up to date, get in touch with us here at Caldiatech. You can call us at 800-728-1441 or send us an email.