A recent study from the Pew Research Center tells us that 63 percent of Facebook and Twitter users get their news from those social media platforms. In this article, we’ll talk about why it’s so important for business owners to move beyond simply having a social media presence so that they are actually engaging their potential customers.
Before we go any further, it’s important that you think of social media outlets like Facebook andTwitter as much more than gathering places for family and friends to share photos of their dinner plates and pets.
In effective use of SMO, businesses are able to build their brand, tell the world about their company and new products, promote upcoming events, etc. – all with the goal to further establish your business as a legitimate resource and to drive traffic back to your business website.
There’s a lot of truth to the saying that controversy creates cash. Here are few tips on how you can use that idea to increase your traffic and your sales.
Use words like catnip. Content on your social media outlets should be geared to cause a reaction. You know you’ve struck pay dirt when users are sharing your content with their friends and connections.
Be human. The word “social” in the term social media is there for a reason. Users want to engage with a human, so feel free to use humor and provide thoughtful insight in answering burning questions.
Make it easy to share. If a user wants to share your dynamite content, they should be able to do so very easily – preferably without copying and pasting a URL. Buttons to share posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest should be available with just about every post.
Post content relative to your target audience. This can be done in any number of ways. Perhaps you’ve found a new study or current events news story relating to your industry or product, or a news story
By actively interacting with people on different platforms, you’re actually extending the reach of your business and making it increasing likely that they will visit your business website and learn more about your product.
We’ve worked with a host of businesses to boost their social media traffic and engage their audience through innovative, fun and effective social media marketing campaigns. We can do the same for you by leveraging our expertise in:
- Social media platform optimization
- Customized content marketing
- Geo-location targeting
- Social analytics
- Engaging social media posts that trigger engagement
We’d love to talk with you about how we can do the same for yours. Give us a call today at 800-728-1411 so that we can working together!