The Best SEO Plan for Your Business

If you are like most business owners, you want to minimize your advertising costs while still bringing in new clients.  Finding the right balance between spending and profit is often a difficult task, and it helps to have a professional on your side who can help.  Unfortunately, many business owners are lured by promises from SEO companies of unrealistic results and conclude that SEO is not the best way to maximize their advertising budgets.

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Keyword Analysis: Are You Looking For Keywords In All The Wrong Places?

If you are still performing keyword searches by going to Keyword Tool, typing in some words and creating a list of terms, you may find that you are missing several golden opportunities to improve your keyword analysis.

Part of the problem is that long-tail keywords rather than fathead keywords have gained ascendancy, so it is much harder to predict what searchers will type in. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to find good keywords that will increase organic traffic—if you know where to look.

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