As if it were not enough that SEO marketing is complicated by social media use, pay-per-click campaigns and link building, experts now say that the entire spectrum of marketing strategies does not hinge on any single element. Rather, marketing depends on understanding that users are operating multiple devices and platforms simultaneously and knowing how to tap the potential of each of these markets as well as how they all interact.
Marketing is, in other words, more than the sum of its parts. This synergistic relationship is complex, and many SEO strategists who are experts in handling a single factor at a time become lost when considering the totality of all the factors influencing the buying decisions of today’s public.
Six emerging trends have been identified as extremely important to understand when planning today’s SEO strategies. These include:
- Media fragmentation. Media is not a single platform; it is an integration of dozens of different vectors. Among the largest segments are television with 256 million users, radio with 243 million, the Internet with 232 million, broadband with 182 million, wi fi with 177 million and smartphones with 139 million. Users tend to multitask between several media portals at once. In order to reach them, content must be distributed across as many types of media and platforms as possible.
- Smartphone ubiquity. Now that more than half the population has a smartphone, the amount of time people spend “mobile” is growing 14 times faster than desktop usage. Mobile transactions are also much more common than even a few years ago. Mobile sales currently account for about 15 percent of all retail ecommerce sales. To reach these customers, web sites must be mobile friendly and advertising must concentrate on brief text and impacting images as well as making buying easier.
- Content marketing strategy. Content marketing is not going anywhere any time soon. The top three types of content that seem to be most effective are social media posts, email newsletters and news articles. In other words, content that draws readers in and calls them to action is much more effective than bland, boring content.
- Facebook usage. Facebook is still growing despite some unpopular changes over the past few years. Even when Facebook gets it wrong, it still manages to bounce back because it is still the easiest platform for most users. More than 58 percent of social media users list Facebook as their primary platform. Using Facebook’s new hashtag feature may increase traffic, according to a recent study.
- Branding content. Most Facebook users will not visit a brand’s web page through an ad, but they will interact with the brand’s posts on their feed. Therefore, branding through feeds has become a potentially great way to reach a ready-to-buy population.
- Twitter growth. While only 15 percent of Americans use Twitter regularly, 89 percent hear of it or see it every day through other platforms. The simple fact is that Twitter feeds can be pushed out through a variety of platforms and still reach users.
Paying attention to these basic trends can push your SEO strategy to a whole new level! Caldiatech is an SEO company that specializes in branding, social media marketing and specifically helps law firms with social media and marketing.