Smart social media use can make a huge difference for small businesses at a significantly lower cost than traditional marketing. According to Social Media Examiner’s industry report, 92% of marketers working with small businesses said that social media is a crucial component of their marketing efforts.
As for the small businesses that are seeing a big ROI on their social media efforts, just what are they doing? The folks at SCORE, a nonprofit supported by the U.S. Small Business Administration, recently surveyed a host of small businesses to get a better understanding of their tactics. Below are a few highlights from SCORE’s findings.
What They Promote
- 45% use social media to promote a specific product or service
- 38% share info about certain discounts and sales
- 38% were after likes and fans – critical to increasing their reach and number of impressions
- 20% shared a blog post
The Power of Pictures
- 67% of business-to-business marketers use infographics as content for their marketing. That’s up from 62% in 2015. 62% of business-to-consumers marketers used infographics as content; a jump from 45% last year.
- Blog posts with images once every 75-100 words were found to get 2 times more shares than those with few images.
- Facebook posts with images generated 2.3 times more engagement than those without.
What’s The Preferred Outlet?
The most preferred social media outlet was Facebook. Twitter and LinkedIn were distant followers.
Why such a gap? Its enormous user base gives businesses a direct line in connecting with more customers. Also, Facebook has made strides in shaping its platform to be more business-friendly. For example, Facebook’s recently launched Lookalike Audience tool is designed for small businesses.
Leverage the Social Media Expertise of Caldiatech to Expand Your Business
At its heart, social media is all about creating a personal bond with your audience, and there is a host of ways to strategically and economically accomplish that.
To talk about it, get in touch with us here at Caldiatech. Our number is 800-728-1441 or you can send an email.