SEO Trends Mid-Way Through 2016

We’re already well past the halfway mark in 2016, and there is a host of trends related to search engine optimization (SEO) trends we’ve picked up on.

  • Out-of-the-box SEO keeps getting better.
    Just like everything related to technology, SEO is growing by leaps and bounds. In fact, there’s a host of widgets and tools at the disposal of webmasters to use with minimal manual input. Such tools are crucial to ensure site optimization shortly after launch.

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SEO Gives Small Business Competitive Edge

It’s a pretty safe bet to assume that you’ve heard the phrase “SEO.” But what exactly is Search Engine Optimization and how can it help your business? In this article, we’ll tackle both of those questions, and share reasons why SEO is so important to the success of small businesses in particular.


In the simplest of terms, the goal of effective SEO is to drive qualified lead-generating traffic to your website. From the viewpoint of the business owner, the key phrase to remember is “qualified lead-generating traffic.”

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