Your digital footprint is the record of everything you do and everywhere you go on the Internet. Also called an electronic footprint, it includes websites you visit, emails you read or send, and information you submit to online forms on other sites or transmit through apps on your phone. Your digital footprint leaves a trail showing your online activities that can be followed by anyone with the knowledge and skills to do so.
internet consulting
Getting The Most From Your Domain Name
The importance of your business domain name cannot be understated. In essence, the domain name is the first impression of your business by potential customers. Once you settle on a domain name you’re comfortable with, though, it should not be limited merely to your business’s website address.
In this issue, the business technology experts with Caldiatech will share ways you can utilize your domain name across different platforms for maximum impact.
How to Select the Right Consultant
The early days of the Internet were a mixed bag for businesses finding their way on the then new medium. All too often, negative experiences resulted from Internet consultants who seemed to be finding their way as well.
Thankfully, the combination of time and natural forces combined to weed out the pretenders from the contenders.