A Look Back At The Year With SharePoint

In a recent review of a year with SharePoint, CMS Wire offered the analogy of the program being like Rocky Balboa: easy to dismiss but hard to keep down. The developments in SharePoint’s technology will keep it going strong throughout 2015 for businesses of all sizes.

For the coming year, it is important to think about the various SharePoint programs and utilities that are being developed and determine how they may be able to help your business in 2015. Here is a brief look at some of the upcoming developments or questions surrounding SharePoint in the New Year:

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How Does SharePoint Integrate With Office 365?

Office 365 is the newest evolution of the wildly popular Microsoft Office suite of word- and document-processing software to hit the shelves or, in this case, the airwaves.  Office 365’s claim to fame is that it is entirely web-based, making it much more convenient for sharing between remote points.  SharePoint integrates with Office 365 to … Read More