While most people were unaware, a war began on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram–over verification status. As strange as it may seem, this topic has become a hot button for those using the three platforms. Should users have to pay to have their status verified? Is having a verified status seen as a good thing, or will potential clients shun businesses that do so?
social media and seo
Should Businesses Still Use Facebook?
It’s not unusual for Facebook to be in the news, but recently the social media behemoth has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons. Coming clean to admit that user data has been anything but private, Facebook is obviously at a crossroads.
But is Facebook still a good place for businesses to do business? We’ll talk about it in this issue.
How Important is Social Media To Your Website?
According to the experts at Moz, it is hard to overestimate the importance of social media to your web marketing efforts. In fact, 72 percent of online adults use social media on a regular basis, with YouTube reaching more adults in the 18-34 age range than any cable network. Marketers now use social media to reach customers, so if you are not using it, you may already be behind the curve.
It is important to keep up with social media, so here are some tips to help you use it effectively, even if you have never incorporated social media into your web marketing plan before: