Why Use WordPress for Your Website?

According to Google’s John Mueller, WordPress is “not significantly better” for creating websites that rank highly in Google searches.  If this is the case, why use WordPress for your website at all?  Mueller offers the answer:  WordPress saves a significant amount of time and effort involved in writing code or a CMS for a website, thereby allowing the user to spend more time creating rich, responsive content.

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The Time to Plan for Holidays Sales Is – Now!

Holiday sales are the number-one boost for most retail companies, but with the pandemic, the 2020 holiday season was uncertain and the 2021 season promises to be even more so.  While more people are shopping online, fewer people have the money to spend on lavish holiday gifts.  The upshot is that the market is tightening, … Read More

Why Hire a WordPress Development Service?

Building a website was once a challenging and labor-intensive process. You had to start from scratch and have extensive coding knowledge in order to make even the simplest web page. There was nowhere near as many resources as there are today! Now, there are numerous free services that can do the hard work for you, allowing you to whip together a stunning, professional website within a matter of minutes.

While there are many options to choose from, one of the major website-making services is WordPress.

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