Common PPC Mistakes

We’ve talked recently about pay per click (PPC) marketing and how it can help your business take off. This entry is aimed at the PPC DIYer, and is specifically provided to help you avoid some of the most common pitfalls of PPC marketing.

Ignoring Your Landing Page

Before you push your campaign live, you can prevent a lot of unintended harm to your business by testing every bit of plan – especially the landing page.

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PPC Data You Need to Pay Attention To

In a previous blog, we talked about Pay-Per-Click marketing, and the tremendous ways it can help build your business. In this article, we’ll dig a bit deeper to bring you some of the data you’ll want to pay attention to while carrying out a PPC campaign.

PPC Marketing Redux

Just to refresh our memories, during a PPC marketing campaign, you pay only for each time your ad is clicked in a search engine phrase. To do this, you simply put a bid on ad placement that is based upon a keyword phrase.

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Pay-Per-Click – What Does This Mean For Your Business?

One surefire way of drawing potential customers to your business’s website is Pay-Per-Click marketing  – known informally as PPC. In this article, we’ll cover the basics of PPC marketing and how it can boost your business.


PPC Marketing at a Glance

When you’re in a PPC marketing campaign, you’re only paying for each time your ad is clicked in search engine marketing. In essence, you bid for your online ad placement based upon a keyword phrase.

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